Posts tagged #discussion cards

Collaborative Discussion Cards

I used collaborative discussion cards all year long and you will too! The conversations are incredible and have a purpose and your students will undoubtedly increase their understanding of the text. See Props with a Purpose in my store for more… All can be found at

Props with a Purpose

I use what I call Props with a Purpose when I want to engage my students in the lesson. I use many ‘ hands-on’ props to elicit discussion, frames to help kids focus on details and question cards to help them dig deeper. It is amazing to see my students use these props for collaborative group discussions. We use ‘ My Turn Cards ‘ each participant can have a turn to speak and share. Once the kids are trained to use props like these, the lesson becomes more interactive and exciting; of course even more challenging. You need to try it. It’s time to see it and share it!!!  There are bookmarks for reading, writing, comprehension, and discussion starters. I also include bookmarks for factual, informational and comparison paragraph writing as well.   Check Props with a Purpose in my store for more ideas. You will like it for sure! All can be found at

Story Element Discussion Cards

You have to try this in class. I use story element discussion cards with my students every week. The story elements may include, but not be limited to ( setting, characters, problem, solution etc.) What is so amazing with these discussion cards are the ‘dig-deeper’ questions I have added for those conversations to go to the next level. My students use these cards for collaboration/discussion after reading a story. I color-coded the cards so each of my collaborative groups would not mix their cards with another group!

Cards can be used 2 ways-

1.   Kids can read their card and have the group discuss. 2.

Kids read their discussion card and respond to their own questions. Group collaborates both ways. Just encourage your groups to dig deeper each time. For example: Characters

Who are they? How do they act or feel in the beginning, middle and end of the story? What are the characters doing? What or who do the characters remind you of?    See for many other units to implement in your classroom. Just visit my store!  Try my Props with a Purpose and /or the Fairy Tale unit ( whole unit or part 3) You will find these discussion starters…Enjoy!